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Dowell Shows at the International Summit and Exhibition of Energy Storage in 2019

From May 18 to 20, 2019, the International Summit and Exhibition on Energy Storage was held in Beijing Convention Center. Dowell attended the meeting as a special sponsor of the summit. The “Energy Storage International Summit and Exhibition” was established in 2012, under the guidance of the Science and Technology Equipment Department of the National Energy Administration, and with the support of the China Energy Research Association, Zhongguancun Management Committee and Zhongguancun Haidian Park Management Committee, the professional brand exhibition activities of the energy storage industry is created by China Energy Storage Alliance (CNESA). The theme of the conference in 2019 focused on “Double Innovation in Technology Application and Scale Energy Storage". New Starting Point”, and to build communication platform with policy makers, planners, grid managers, power companies, energy service providers for energy storage enterprises. With more than ten years of technical accumulation in the field of inversion and rich project experience in the field of energy storage, Dowell won again the " Top Ten Energy Storage PCS Enterprises in 2019", after won the " Most Influential Enterprise Award of China's Energy Storage Industry in 2019" in April. Chai Ruisong, the general manager of the Dowell Storage System Division, as an industry expert, made a report on “Analysis and Avoidance of Key Issues in Energy Storage Sites” in the theme forum of the summit, “The Value of Energy Storage Participation in Auxiliary Services Market”. Starting from the practical problems encountered in the design, implementation and management of energy storage projects, especially the basic problems that are easily ignored at the project site, they were introduced one by one by Chai Ruisong, which is unanimously recognized by the participants. Li Long, the general manager of Dowell Battery Systems Division, introduced the product matrix and project case of Dowell in detail on the stage of the exhibition. Since its full entry into the energy storage field, Dowell has been steadily developing, designing household and industrial and commercial energy storage products with a number of patented technologies, and forming a perfect system integration capability, showing Dowell's comprehensive strength in the field of energy storage. Dowell has also become one of the most concerned brands during the Summit. On the evening of 19th, Bi Yuliang, the general manager of domestic sales department, attended the business dinner between Chinese and British energy storage enterprises. Currently, the iCube pre-installed energy storage system of Dowell has arrived at the project site in the UK, and the commissioning work is nearing the end. This indicates that Dowell has already possessed the ability of design, implementation and operation and maintenance of overseas energy storage projects. PR Anni 20th May 2019