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Dowell is pleased to announce an expansion in its operations.

Having been extremely successful in battery electricity storage systems in the domestic China market and having taken part in some of the biggest projects for battery electricity storage systems, the company has decided to expand operations. Previously the company had confined itself to offering EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) and system integration services for the domestic market. The company has now announced that the international division is now available to work with projects on a global basis. “We have received many requests in the past which we had to decline because we were concentrating on business in the domestic market,” a spokesman said “However, the demand for our expertise is still growing in all areas and we have been approached by project developers from all over the world. Accordingly, we have now decided to increase our international division in size to be able to satisfy these requests.” Sales of the company’s PV product range will continue as normal. The company is already working on a project in the UK and has other projects in development. This expansion comes on top of Dowell celebrating 10 –years in the renewables business. The company initially started life as manufacturers of PV inverters but has since expanded into storage systems, electric vehicle charging and battery pack manufacture. Beijing 11th January 2019